Friday, December 4, 2009

A new calling!

I have to say I really never thought it would happen, but it has I was realesed from my calling as an Activity Day leader. I had this calling for just over 3 years and while it has been fun I was ready for a change. :) I truly love all the girls that I was able to teach and all the wonderful women I was able to serve with! I wish you all the best and hope I served this calling to its fullest potential.
Now for my new calling....... I have to first say when they asked me I thought WOW am I really the best person for this!?!? I then rememberd these are not just calling from the bishop but from our Father in heaven.
I have been called as the Relief Society Second Counselor. I am truly honored that I have been asked and trusted to have this calling and I am going to fullfill it to the best of my knowledge. I do how ever want to ask for all your prayers that I will be guided with the spirit and that I can do as the Lord would have me do! I have BIG shoes to fill, but I know with prayer I can fill them. Thanks! :)


Lacey said...

That's so neat! I'm sure you'll love it and you'll do great.

Karen said...

You will do a great job :)