Thursday, May 20, 2010

Planter boxes and T-ball

This year for mothers day I really wanted a tomato plant. If you know Nate you know he doesn't do anything small and simple he always goes above and beyond! He came home that weekend with a bunch of wood and I new right away what he was up too! He made me these BEAUTIFUL planter boxes and I absolutly LOVE them. I am so excited to have a garden this will be my first REAL garden. I have it all planned out what I want to plant and can't wait to make fresh salsa with my veggies! Some of our neighbors were over and saw Nates amazing work and asked if he would help them make some. Nate is so talented and doesn't beleive he is I am always telling him he could make things and sell them for those of you who don't know he made our crib for our kids and Abbies dresser and they are honestly amazing! He also made a crib for my sisters baby that is beautiful! He draws too we have some of his work in our house he drew me a picture of Christ that hangs in our family room and pictures of our kids. I wish he could see his talent and love it as much as I do!

So on to my next topic. Sky started Tball again and is having so much fun. He has improved so much from last year. I haven't seen him dancing in the feild and he hasn't picked any dandy lions like last year! LOL He is on the Angels team and has some of the same team mates as he did last year. It is so fun to go watch him play twice a week and to see him improve his skills! I love my little baseball player he is so dang cute! :)