I put Abbie in preschool this year, it is the same school Sky went to. She LOVED it. It has honestly helped her come out of her little shell so much! That is why I am a strong believer in sending your children to preschool. because yes I could have very well taught her the things she learned there, but I think it is so important for them to learn how to be social with out mommy around. We have absolutely just loved Miss Mindy she does a fabulous job with all the kids and is so happy to see them every morning. Abbie has grown so much this past school year and is looking forward to another year next year.
To celebrate there accomplishments they put on a little program, it was dang cute. Then Miss Mindy gave them each a certificate and shared a little something about each student. I am so proud of Abbie and how much she has accomplished. If you know her you know it is rare to see her without her clinging to my leg or shying away when you talk to her. The last few months she has become so much more independent and I have to admit as much as it makes me crazy sometimes having her try to "climb back into the womb" it is also hard to see her not "need" me as much.
We are so proud of you Abbie and love you so much! Abbie and Miss Mindy
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